Wednesday, May 12, 2021

June 7th update

The party has transitioned into a trip. Yes, it did get a little out of hand. I want to enjoy the day, not work and stress through it.

It's all about love. 

Rotating the Sun

This year, should the Lord say the same, I turn 60 years old. Wow, 60!!! Sixty, I'm not freaking out about it. Indeed, it is a blessing to have reached this age. My eldest brother George did not; transitioning at the young age of 36. Excitement abounds as I look forward to Juy 19, 2021. I am planning my first birthday party. That's right, I've never had a birthday party that I can remember. Yes, my mom had the traditional first year party, but I don't remember any growing up and certainly, not as an adult.

Don't gasp, this was just not who my family was. Dad was the only social butterfly in the family. Momma, a true introvert in every sense of the word, was not a party planner nor was she comfortable with entertaining people. Then came me. "You are a true Johnson" and she was right; just like my dad.

And so, I find myself planning a party. What started out as a simple gathering of friends (my biological family consists of my brother Kevin and my Aunt Lois.) This thing has taken on a life of its own: tent rentals (COVID is keeping things outdoors), DJs, live musicians (Don't judge, I know some fabulous musicians), insurance, etc. Friends are gifting some food, etc., but it has BLOWN UP and, I love it!

I posted a question on Facebook asking if it were inanppropriate to establish a gift registry for your own birthday party. The question was truly asked in jest as I would never do something like that, its just not me and I certainly don't need anymore STUFF. 95% of the responses were "Yes", "Do it", "It's your party", "Why not?". There were a few who thought the idea was tacky, shaking heads in disgust memes, and "I would never do it, but you do you." If you know me, tacky, lacking good taste and inappropriate are not accurate adjectives to describe me.

As I processed the responses, again asked in jest, I settled on a few things. First, I will be 60 years old. Approval from anyone is not required. Why are we so concerned with societal dictates in the first place?  Secondly, who determines what is or isn't appropriate? And lastly, what about all the single, childless people who have spent untold amounts on baby shower, bridal showers, wedding showers and anniversary gifts?

This last question caused me to really ponder. WHAT ABOUT ME??? While I definitely, don't give to receive, I would ocassionaly like to be on the receiving end. Once I entered my 40s and began to realize marriage and parenthood might not be in the cards for me, I considered having a wedding for me and Jesus complete with wedding gown. STOP LAUGHING!!! That idea was nixed when I realized my family would have me committed and worse still, no one would come.  

So, here I am, turning 60 and giving God praise for all He has brought me through; every mountain top and every valley. I'm entering my "crone" phase where I really don't care what anyone thinks about my appropriateness and I'm free to speak my mind in love. All I want is to share my special day with family and friends. Don't worry about the gift registry, there won't be one. CashApp on the other