Thursday, July 5, 2018



Its hard to believe we are at midyear 2018. This year that will be over in the blink of an eye, as God permits. What will your testimony be? I learned long ago not to make resolutions because when I don't achieve them, feelings of failure can be so overwhelming. So, 2018 began with a new approach. Transitioning was the theme for this year; taking a risk, making a change, leaping or "jumping" into my future; into the unknown of God's destiny for me. As a Christian, I view this as following the direction of the Holy Spirit. God has deposited in each of us gifts and talents yet it is up to us to wait, listen, prepare, and move when its time. The windows of opportunity are open for a short period of time. When they close, the opportunity closes with them. Is now the time to move? What does God say? Challenges at every hand may cause you to stop, detour, wait. Now I see it as God's Divine intervention. God has been preparing you for your destiny. When you're in a state of preparation, its always best to move with caution and not heed to your own limited understanding. As you become more prepared, your vision is more focused, your energies are in alignment with your passions, and you find yourself in the starting block. On your mark, get set, GO! Let's run this year out together.

The Beauty of Brokeness

The Beauty of Brokenness
Most if not all of us are familiar with the story of Job. Job, a righteous man of God, blameless and upright before God, wealthy beyond measure; a family man blessed with many children, livestock. Job who early in the morning offered burnt offerings just in case one of his children MIGHT have sinned against God. Yes, that Job.
How many of you know that Satan can’t stand to see men and women of God praying, communing with their creator? Furious, Satan decided to interrupt the morning State of Creation meeting between God and His angels.  Indulge my sanctified imagination as I envision God going down the roll of angels; each giving an update on the activities of their specific Heavenly assignments. God, knowing Satan had infiltrated the Holy meeting, finally looked at Satan, acknowledging his presence by asking “From where have you come?” Satan’s response: “From roaming around the earth and walking around on it”. That roaring lion was seeking whom he could devour.
God, then asks “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and abstains from and turns away from evil”. Satan suggests the only reason Job is blessed is because God has placed a hedge of protection around all that Job touches and does. Should that hedge be removed, Job would curse God to His face. God allows Satan to test Job, but he is not allowed to take Job’s life.
As the tests progress, Job loses EVERYTHING: servants, flocks, children and ultimately his health. Job’s friends arrive offering unsolicited and unhelpful advice and accusations. Even Mrs. Job urges Job to “Curse God and die”. Yet, even after questioning God about his predicament, Job does not curse God. “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord” Job 1:21 KJV. For Job’s faithfulness to God, he is blessed to recover double of all that was taken away. Job has more children, his wealth, servants, flocks and health are all restored. What remains is the scar or memory of the experience.
Meditate with me a moment as we look at the Beauty of Brokenness. Japanese culture has a term “Kintsukuroi” which means “To repair with Gold”. It is the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. This ancient techniques repairs the broken pottery by sealing the pieces with resin mixed with gold or silver powder. It is then goes through the refiner’s fire again and comes out as a new piece reflective of the trauma it has gone through. The most devastated part of the piece has now become the most valuable. The scar is no longer something to be hidden or ashamed of; the piece is transformed and has become a new creation.
Doesn’t that sound familiar? “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold all things are become new”2 Cor. 5:17 KJV. When something is broken, sometimes it can be fixed, repaired, healed, but it can never be returned to its original state. During an autopsy, even after death, scars remain. Evidence on the body or bones remains that can lead to discovery of the cause of death. Evidence is detectable upon close scrutiny.
Herein lies the beauty of Kintsukuroi. The object is repaired, but the evidence of, the test, trial, battle or break is still evident. Yet, the piece is beautiful because of the material used to repair it. Those gold or silver veins running through the piece add beauty and value. The veins are indicative of the struggle and what was given to make the repair. The object is a new creation that bears an outward symbol of the new life given to the piece through the healing veins flowing through it.
Veins are extremely important to us as humans. Veins and arteries carry our life blood to and from our hearts; distributing oxygen and other vital elements necessary for good health. So too as we look at the earth itself, veins run throughout the earth carrying elements such as gold, silver, rare gems and other minerals of great expense. These veins are created over thousands, maybe millions of years under great pressure, stress and strain.
This is exactly what God offers when we accept Jesus as our Savior. Our lives, souls are made more beautiful because under close scrutiny, as people observe you, they see the healed scars. What they actually see is the blood of Jesus flowing through you mending what was once broken. What they see is the luminosity of the Holy Spirit shinning from you, encouraging you and helping you become the person God intended you to be. As with Kintsukuroi pottery, you are more beautiful and valuable because of your blood-washed scars.
Each of us has experienced or are experiencing trials, tribulation, turmoil, whatever it is, you are left broken. God gives us a way of escape, a way to work towards wholeness, redemption, forgiveness, towards peace. Psalm 66:10 AMP states: “You have tested us Oh God; you have refined us as silver is refined” and Job 23:10b AMP states: “When He has tried me, I will come forth as [refined] gold [pure and luminous]”.
Jesus assured us that we would have tribulations, but He also assured us that He came into the world to give us hope; to overcome our struggles, to save us from our sins and redeem us unto God. Just as the horrific crucifixion experience left physical scars on our Savior, so to do our traumas leave scars on us. Physical scars, emotional scars, soul searing scars; we come forth by the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit scarred, but praise God, healed. We come forth as new creations in Christ.
Sometimes, God chooses to allow our cracks to remain visible. Moses retained his stutter, Jacob retained his limp, and Paul’s thorn was never removed. God’s grace and mercy becomes the gold and silver that fills the cracks in our brokenness. It becomes the testimony we share with the world. It is our ever-present reminder of God’s sovereignty, of His love, of His faithfulness towards us. When we open our minds, hearts and souls and accept the salvific blood of Jesus, we, through the power of the Holy Spirit go through the process of Kintsukuroi. Like the broken pottery, we must lay ourselves, our burdens at the Altar of sacrifice; offer ourselves to Jesus to be infused with His love and peace; to be made whole.
Scripture states we are like a city set upon a hill that cannot be hidden. Like the repaired pottery, the light of Jesus flowing through our veins exudes a brightness that cannot be extinguished as long as we hold to His unchanging hand. The world knows what we’ve been through, and can see the new light and new life that has become the visible, healing scars that have made us whole. As believers, our lives should be a shining, luminous example to a sin sick world that through Jesus, there is new life, wholeness, love and peace.
If you are weary, broken, unsure of what lies ahead, there is hope for you. Jesus is waiting for you to make that life-changing decision to become a believer; to give your life to Christ. If you’re longing for peace, for joy, for hope I invite you to try Jesus. Give your life to the Bread of Life the Light of the world, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It’s not too late. Let Jesus mend the cracks, breaks, and tears in your life. Let His healing, redeeming, cleansing blood make you a new creation, make you whole.

Friday, June 22, 2018

God is Sovereign

Recently, there has been a surge in senseless violence within our communities. Of note are those who accuse God of not being sovereign or even real because innocent people (children) have died as a result. A horrific tragedy for the families. Inconsolable parents asking why? My heart breaks for them. As someone who has no biological children, I can't possible understand the weight of grief, anger, or as one mother recently put it "Numbness". I pray for these families as they begin to process the loss of a child due to ignorance and a lack of respect for human life.

Having said that, I return to the atheist's question of how can God be sovereign if he can't protect an innocent child from this fate? God, through the Holy Spirit, protects us daily. I don't have the answers to why bad things happen to good people. What I do have is an experience. in 1994, my eldest brother was taken from us. Not due to gun violence, but from a sudden and massive heart attack. He was 36. My brother was a great guy, a career Air Force officer, physically fit. Was he perfect, no, far from it. Yet he was a great guy. Talented, handsome, brilliant, creative, a good son and brother. Yet, God saw fit to take him from us. Why, I raged.

For a long time, I questioned God as to why the good ones were taken. You see growing up, there were the good guys (like my brother) who pretty much stayed out of trouble and those who did everything they were raised not to do. Why would a good God take the good ones like my brother and leave the others here to continue lives of drugs (using and selling), alcohol, and violence? In particular, every time I would see a neighborhood guy (a troublemaker from childhood), I would cry out "Why is he still alive and my brother is dead". Real talk. After years of raging and tears, I've come to this conclusion. GOD IS SOVEREIGN. In His sovereignty, God touched the lives of the troubled ones left behind. Now, three of them are saved and preaching the Gospel. Sharing testimonies of the ones taken.

This is not an easy thing to wrap one's head around; Why do bad things happen to good people?. It is an age old question. We won't know the answer until we get to the other side (and there is an other side). Why do parents who prayed fervently for a child have to watch that child die of cancer? Why does a solider survive war only to come home and be killed by a random bullet? Why does a mother die giving birth to a child? Why, why, why??? God if you're real, how can you allow these things to happen. No answers come to mind, nor can they because of the sovereignty of God.

We look at the world through finite human eyes. God CREATED the world using infinite divine vision. We don't know how all of these things work together, but God has a plan. I know personally, the void left by my brother's death cause numerous beneficial things to take shape. I still mourn his death, tears come at unexpected and sometimes inconvenient times. Yet, I know his death pulled our family closer together and planted a seed in my other brother's salvation. GOD IS SOVEREIGN, He makes all things work together for good for those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose.

Know this, God is even using your unbelief to draw people unto Himself. We can't convince you of the existence of God. We don't have to, God himself can convince you in ways you can't even imagine. I thank God for the privilege of being able to question Him. Job questioned God.  Paul questioned God. Jesus questioned God. Job said, thou He slay me, yet will I trust Him. God told Paul after denying his request, "My grace is sufficient for you". Jesus said to God, Nevertheless, not My will, but thine be done". I say, I trust and rely on your sovereignty God. I have faith that in Your time and Your way, you will reveal the answers to our questions.

I pray you open your eyes, heart and mind; that you let God soften your hardened hearts before its too late.